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Our Philosophy

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Where People & Food Matter

At Food Matters Market, we aim to be more than a grocery store. We aim to be the best source of local, organic, and clean food and health products for you and your family!

We hold our products to a higher standard than most and only offer the best because FOOD MATTERS!

Organic and
Local Producers

We believe our local farms and businesses are sustainable. We hope to share our passion for shopping and eating local organic foods with you.

Buy as Much
as You Need

Prepackaged items are convenient sometimes, but often lead to unwanted waste. At Food Matters Market, we strive to give as many “bulk” buying options so you can get exactly the amount you need.

We Have One Planet.
Let's Love It

We believe in sustainability for our beautiful planet. Foods free of pesticides, GMOs, and grass fed are some of the small things we can do to love our the place we call home. 

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